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Pre-Commit Hook

For use with pre-commit hooks, there is a cli command to perform a pre-flight check on cronspell date expressions available.

Under the hood, depending on the configuration, the following is executed when the pre-commit hook triggers for changes in a file named docs/assets/demo.cfg.yaml:

cronspell preflight --yamlpath '/*/rel_date*' docs/assets/demo.cfg.yaml

Example .pre-commit-config.yaml;

  - repo:
    rev: v0.4.0
      - id: cronspell
        files: .*\/cfg\.ya?ml$
        args: ["--yamlpath", "/*/*date*" ]

Note the yamlpath argument: this tells the pre-commit hook where to look for expressions to check.

Configuration objects like follows pass the pre commit check:

- type: first_saturday
  rel_date: /month -1day /sat + 1 week
- type: first_friday
  rel_date: /month -1day /fri + 1 week
  rel_date_time: +1 Hour

The following example in contrast does not pass the pre-commit checks, as the calendar week designated to floor to needs to be in range 1..52;

- type: "should not pass"
  rel_date: "@CW 77"